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01 Creative Session: Floral Styling Workshop

As I mentioned before, I'm on a mission to do more, so January's creative session was a Floral workshop with Twig and Arrow at their Brooklyn studio. We had to bring our own vase so I found a lovely handblown one to take along.

I had a great time and learnt so much from Mindy about how to put together an interesting arrangement, as well as awesome tips on where to forage for wild flowers and foliage. What was most interesting for me was that I learnt to think outside of the box for selecting pieces for arranging - things like wild fennel, seeding coriander - things you would never think of for a flower arrangement can all be used!

I'm inspired to plant a few of my own favourite flowers so that I can enjoy making up little bouquets for around the house. I've already ordered a bunch of seeds so we'll see how that goes!

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